Open Ed Conference – Keynote speakers Josh Jarrett & Jim Groom

Josh Jarrett at discussing “Access is Not Enough.”
Challenges from here to 2020

Warning: raw notes ahead!

Three challenges for the OER community

Four Challenges for the Next decade

  1. Completion 
  2. Quality
  3. Funding
  4. Demographics 

Higher ed tuition has gone up over 400%. There is over a trillion dollars in student loan debt. The “new normal” is students who work and go to school. “Education drives social mobility in the U.S.”

Gate’s Foundation rewards institutions for success, not just access, accelerate early momentum through restructured dev ed and smoother transitions between HS nad college; unlocks the power of technology for education.

First three accolades,
1. Developing frameworks, rules, and regimes to support OER.
2. Establishing a community of sharing
3. Creating access to rapidly expanding stores of OER

The three OER bugaboos: quality/impact, usage/dist., sustainability

Three Challenges:

1. Evidence: translate OER cost savings into student impact on

  • course completion
  • retention
  • enrollment intensity
  • credential completion rates

2. Content development: design for reuse

  • How much of this content is reuseable?
  • Content has to be modular for reuse.
3. Integration, instrumentation, and distribution
  • How do we create common distribution?
  • We need a comparable OER distribution channel like a publisher.
What would it mean to solve these issues?
“You can’t fail placement but placement can fail you!”

Analytics tools improved success in a course by 50%.

Jim Groom – Climbed out of a tent. “We are here today to occupy Open Ed.”
Are we talking about open ed resources as a store? or as an on going experience. Ten years ago there was more of a community, outside of sustainability.

Why aren’t the open repositories open and accessible?

Michael Branson Smith – his course DS 106. DS106 Radio.

Gardner Campbell wrote a book called “Love Analytics” that informs his presentaion. “The bags of gold” talk.

He doesn’t care about the institutions or grants – this should be a grass roots movement.

He ran his DS 106 course as a open course. He ran three sections for credit and then opened it up and had 400 sign up online. DS 106 is not an open education resource, it is an open education experience. He started with 8 assignments but then let the students create assignments. There are 200 assignments now that a student can take.

The course has a student created tutorials, examples, and assignments.

Twitter was an important component of the course – students hash tag their messages with #ds106

“A community that transcends any technology.”

The Summer of Oblivion: a pedagogy of uncertainty
He taught the course as if he had not talked to someone for 20 years. He called himself “Dr. Oblivion.”

Why would we waste out time lecturing when there are new media?

“Looking for Whitman” Michael Branson Smith has a class of 80 students are working on DS 106.

“Education is an experience, not a resource.”

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