Sakai 3: Social Media meets Online Learning

Sakai 3 will be the next iteration of Sakai’s collaborative learning environment. It is meant to be more than just a change of tools, but an evolution of the collaborative philosophy that will include social networking and web 2.0 tools

Sakai 3 looks to extend the definition of a course site to communities like Facebook, Myspace, or linked in. According to the Sakai whitepaper (linked below), “The incorporation of Social Networking into Sakai…will enable new models of interaction among users of the Collaboration and Learning Environment, in a manner suitable for academic work, but will also facilitate collaboration among Sakai institutions in which the members of a network at a trusted partner institution can be given access to the network(s) of a Sakai adopting school for research, learning, and the formation of peer groups of many kinds.”

Content creation and organization will be easier in Sakai 3. Google Docs has raised the bar as to what students and teachers expect in document creation and sharing online. “Content owners can organize content in a variety of ways and make it available to various users, groups and sites as they see fit. Instead of the site’s content we will think about the user’s content or a group’s content, both content they own and content they have access to.”

You can learn more about Sakai 3 by reading the white paper from the Sakai Foundation.

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