Monthly Archives: December 2009

The Connectivist 18th Century

I have written a couple of postings discussing the idea that Connectivism isn’t new (it is just highly relevant right now). There is an interesting note in USA Today by Elizabeth Weise on a project at Stanford called “The Republic … Continue reading

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I Predict Things Will Remain the Same…

Image via Wikipedia …only very shiny. I always brace myself at this time of year for all the predictions that are going to come out for the following decade. These “predictions” are often a way to express our hopes and … Continue reading

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Digital Writing, Digital Teaching – Integrating New Literacies into the Teaching of Writing

Image via Wikipedia I wanted to write a brief note recommending Troy Hick’s excellent blog, Digital Writing, Digital Teaching. I live in a schizophrenic shadow world of being an instructional designer (lots of tech) and a former English teacher (where’s … Continue reading

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