I am Geoff Cain, a Curriculum and Instructional Design Specialist at Clover Park Technical College. I am also an education consultant and the founder of GBC Education Consulting.
I am available for consulting on elearning, instructional design, online course and program development, eportfolios and alternative assessment, open education resources, online quality assurance, change management, and faculty professional development. I have worn many hats over the years: elearning manager in both community colleges and universities, instructional designer, and I have taught English at all levels as well as Adult Basic Education. My clients have included Washington State Board for Technical & Community Colleges focusing on badges and alternative credentials, education technology, and accessibility, Saddleback College, Pierce College and numerous other clients.
I have developed face-to-face, hybrid, and full online courses. I have worked in writing labs, classrooms, and cyberspace. I am particularly interested in collaborative learning, open education resources, open textbooks, and personal learning networks. I have participated in a number of projects or presented on topics such as:
I am also a faculty mentor for UNESCO’s Open Education for a Better World project.
I can be contacted via email at: consult@geoffcain.com