Tag Archives: ethics

A Short Annotated Reading List for AI Ethics and Policy

This is a reading list of essays, resources, and full-hatched policies at other institutions for AI and ethics. It is meant to provide a background for those interested in developing an AI policy for their courses or for their institution. … Continue reading

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Efforts to Regulate A.I.

I have not posted here in a while because of conferences, in-service, travel, and other local elearning events – it was a whirl-wind summer of AI in Education, a conference at University of Central Florida. We then presented with our … Continue reading

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AI and the End of Education

By the click-baity title “end of education,” I don’t mean the inevitable intellectual dystopian smoking hellscape of education that is to come, but the purpose of education: to what end are we doing what we do and by what means … Continue reading

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Future Post: Dismantling A.I.

This is a “guest post” by ChatGPT. I asked “it” to write an essay on how to dismantle the strangle-hold AI has on society just in case it is needed for the future. I was relieved that I do not … Continue reading

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