Tag Archives: AI

Some Resources from the AI in Education Conference, Orlando 2024

I was at the Teaching and Learning with AI 2024 Conference in Orlando, Florida on July 22nd-24th. I am posting this mostly for members of our team who stayed behind and gallantly supported the Teaching & Learning Center back at … Continue reading

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AI, Problem-Solving, and Visual Thinking

I have been looking at AI as a thinking tool. Not as something to generate content (which I think it is essentially lousy at), but as an aide to thinking. I heard a number of people at conferences and elsewhere … Continue reading

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CFP: AI Institute at Clover Park Technical College

Clover Park Technical College has a CFP for its 2024 AI Institute, which examines the innovative and ethical use of AI in higher education. This event will take place on Fri., Aug. 9th and Sat., Aug., 10th, 2024. We invite … Continue reading

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A Short Annotated Reading List for AI Ethics and Policy

This is a reading list of essays, resources, and full-hatched policies at other institutions for AI and ethics. It is meant to provide a background for those interested in developing an AI policy for their courses or for their institution. … Continue reading

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AI: What is your policy?

I wrote this for the Teaching & Learning Center Newsletter, but I wanted a version of this in the blogosphere in case someone had a take on the five positions here in this brief article. We are also discussing AI … Continue reading

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AI: An “F” for Fake

I have been playing with voice cloning to try and get a sense of where the technology is and how it can be used in instructional design. There are a number of moral and legal issues with voice cloning, of … Continue reading

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Edu Predictions: Where is my conveyor belt sidewalk?

I have been rather disappointed lately that over the last few years we have not had much in the way of predictions in the education sector. For a while there it seemed like pedagogical prognostic punditry was a wide-spread New … Continue reading

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Efforts to Regulate A.I.

I have not posted here in a while because of conferences, in-service, travel, and other local elearning events – it was a whirl-wind summer of AI in Education, a conference at University of Central Florida. We then presented with our … Continue reading

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AI and the End of Education

By the click-baity title “end of education,” I don’t mean the inevitable intellectual dystopian smoking hellscape of education that is to come, but the purpose of education: to what end are we doing what we do and by what means … Continue reading

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Brief Notes on Issues Around ChatGPT

Here are some quick notes around issues around ChatGPT: Lack of corporate transparency from the mis-named Open AI (Silicon Republic) Ethical issues around labor practices with Open AI (Time) Difficulties with attribution (Duke University) Unresolved copyright issues (Bloomberg Law) Spreading … Continue reading

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