Tag Archives: professional development

Some Resources from the AI in Education Conference, Orlando 2024

I was at the Teaching and Learning with AI 2024 Conference in Orlando, Florida on July 22nd-24th. I am posting this mostly for members of our team who stayed behind and gallantly supported the Teaching & Learning Center back at … Continue reading

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OER Faculty Institute Extends CFP

The OER Faculty Institute CFP extended to June 16th: The Clover Park Technical College’s Teaching and Learning Center is excited to invite proposals for the 2023 OER Faculty Institute to be held on August 11th and 12th completely online. Our … Continue reading

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RISC Survey: Challenges to Student Success

These are my notes on the latest RISC Survey called “What Challenges to Success Do Community College Students Face?” from January 2019. I am mostly concerned with the education technology aspects of this report. Much of the report deals with … Continue reading

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NWeLearn: Digital Fluency Initiative and Faculty Development

Digital Fluency Initiative and Faculty Development Linda Samek, Provost; Robin Ashford, Senior Librarian; Anna Berardi, Professor of Marriage and Family Therapy; Gloria Doherty, Director of Education Technology and Hybrid Learning Programs at George Fox University The ability of faculty to … Continue reading

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NWeLearn: Birds of a Feather – Professional Development

Notes from the group of administrators and faculty talking about professional development. Lack of tangential thinking completely my own. Thoughts may settle during shipping: Birds of a Feather Anna Sholz Shannon Riggs Tuba Kayaarasi-Rodriguez Linda Samek Debby Espinor Kathryn Linder … Continue reading

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Online Events for Open Education Week

This reminder was sent in by Una Daly: This week (March 7th – 11th) is Open Education Week worldwide, and there are 60 free online and local events to promote the benefits of OER.  The Community College Consortium for Open Educational Resources (CCCOER) … Continue reading

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