Tag Archives: conference

Some Resources from the AI in Education Conference, Orlando 2024

I was at the Teaching and Learning with AI 2024 Conference in Orlando, Florida on July 22nd-24th. I am posting this mostly for members of our team who stayed behind and gallantly supported the Teaching & Learning Center back at … Continue reading

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OER Faculty Institute Update

Attached you will find the program for the OER Faculty Institute hosted by the Teaching & Learning Center at Clover Park Technical College. From our previous notice: Clover Park Technical College is excited to host our first OER Faculty Institute! … Continue reading

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NWeLearn: An Accessible Course

These are some brief notes from an accessibility presentation I went to at the North West eLearn Conference. My usual disclaimer: the rambling nature of my notes represents my interests and abilities, not those of the presenter, who was just … Continue reading

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Alternatives to Keynote Speakers

I am on the board for a great elearning conference, and we are in the middle of looking for keynote speakers. I am not against keynote speakers per se. I have been to some amazing conferences and have had some … Continue reading

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NWeLearn 2018 – Call for Proposals Ends April 16!

NB: Wipe those tears, the gin from your chin, and put down those tax forms: it is elearning conference time! I am on the board for this conference, and I think it is one of the best little gems in the … Continue reading

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Infrastructure Strategies for Success Behind the UofF’s Sakai Implementation

Image via WikipediaI am interested in this session because I want to get an idea about how much work it takes to support Sakai on a large scale. The change management process and support are critical issues for us. I … Continue reading

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Open Syllabus and Sakai

There is a syllabus tool in Sakai, but it is generally just a static document. There is no semantic or tool integration. There is a need for a tool to organise all the resources in one place. This sounds like … Continue reading

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Sakai 2011 Conference Keynote

These are basically my personal notes of the presentations. These notes are not transcriptions but notes that I found interesting or useful. Katzuo Yana spoke a little about about what is happening in the Sakai community in Japan. They call … Continue reading

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