Tag Archives: AI

The Environmental Impact of AI

Here is something from the MIT Reivew that I don’t see talked about much: “In a new paper, researchers at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst, performed a life cycle assessment for training several common large AI models. They found that the … Continue reading

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Look Before We Leap: Evaluating Ed Tech

The willy-nilly embracing of AI in education and ChatGPT in particular has got me thinking again about the importance of rubrics for the evaluation of education technology. I think we are at a place where all of the efforts that … Continue reading

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Promoting Authentic Learning in the Age of AI

As an instructional designer and former English teacher, I have mixed feelings about using A.I. to produce school work. If there is a learning outcome that is legitimately met by a particular tool (including AI), then fine – let’s include … Continue reading

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Future Post: Dismantling A.I.

This is a “guest post” by ChatGPT. I asked “it” to write an essay on how to dismantle the strangle-hold AI has on society just in case it is needed for the future. I was relieved that I do not … Continue reading

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ChatbotGPT: The New Mechanical Turk

I am unimpressed with the ChatbotGPT. I asked it to write a sestina, and it could not follow the formula or even write decent rhyming couplets which it used to substitute for the formula for a sestina. It managed to … Continue reading

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AI and the Death of the College Essay

The Atlantic’s December issue has an essay “The College Essay Is Dead: Nobody is prepared for how AI will transform academia” by Stephen Marche that says that AI is going to make the college essay irrelevant. I say good riddance. … Continue reading

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AI and the Unknowing Knower

“Things are not as they are seen, nor are they otherwise.” – Lankavatara Sutra In education, there has been increased discussion of Artificial Intelligence because of the growing interest in Learning Analytics by education institutions. Learning Analytics requires a lot … Continue reading

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The Best Bots of My Generation Destroyed by Artificial Poetry

The poets of the world can, for now, breathe a sigh of relief. Their jobs are in no danger of being replaced by artificial intelligence. Stephen Downes posted about AI generated poetry from https://talktotransformer.com/ from a post from Kevin Hodgson. … Continue reading

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Week 0: Seimens and Downes on AI

It was good to see Stephen Downes and George Siemens sitting down together and talking again for our Education 3.0 MOOC. It felt just like old times (CCK08, CCK11, etc.). I can’t really say what they do for one another … Continue reading

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AI Ain’t What It Used to Be

Stephen Downes posted a link to the Metafilter blog where a discussion that begins thus is taking place: Uber’s Self-Driving Car Didn’t Malfunction, It Was Just Bad. There were no software glitches or sensor breakdowns that led to a fatal … Continue reading

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